Before deciding to welcome a Husky puppy into the family, take several serious points into consideration. The Siberian Husky is a very energetic dog. Huskies are selected for many generations to work in packs. A single Husky puppy needs far more attention from the owner than several dogs do. It’s complicated to keep a Husky amused and prevent destructive behavior, especially for a novice owner. Unique chew toys help reduce the problem, but the owner should always be aware of what is left within the striking distance of the Husky because anything chewable can be destroyed.
A Husky puppy needs a spacious yard to run and play. Outside the enclosed area, it should be kept on a leash. If the owner wants to play Frisbee or go running accompanied by a Husky, the area should be well fenced off. Huskies are very good at jumping high fences from a standing position. A wall higher than four feet can stop a dog of this breed from escaping. Some dogs are excellent diggers and fantastic escape artists.
Not only a Husky puppy, but even a well-trained adult dog will try to run away if possible. They do so not because they don’t like living in captivity, but because they are very active, independent, and enjoy running. When a Husky wants to get back, it often has difficulties with finding the way home. This breed can outrun any person, if off the leash. Only very smart Huskies find a way home. They may even escape, have a long walk, and get back while the owner is away at work.
Every owner of a Husky puppy has to spend time cleaning the house from the dog’s fur. Two times a year, a Husky loses a considerable part of the coat. Fastidious housekeepers should not obtain a pet of this breed, as it’s impossible to eliminate shedding in Huskies. Keeping the Husky outdoors is not the way out because these dogs have to live close to the owner to feel loved and respected. A Husky left to its own devices tends to become neurotic and mischievous. The undercoat of an adult Husky dog is very wooly. It can be used for spinning and making beautiful socks and jumpers.
Huskies cannot be kept as lap dogs. They were not created for lying at the owner’s feet while the family is watching TV. Being very independent, these dogs like investigating everything new. Quiet pastime is not for them. A responsible breeder will screen every prospective buyer of a Husky puppy to make sure the dog goes to the right family.