A single glance at a Husky picture would be enough to notice that all Northern breeds have much in common. Siberian and Alaskan Huskies, Alaskan Malamute dogs, and Samoyed dogs look like many other Spitz breeds and have a wolf-like appearance. Actually, Huskies and other Northern breeds are not related to the wolf any more closely than any other domestic dog. They maintained their presence for centuries because of isolated breeding and natural selection. Everything in Husky dogs is necessary for survival in harsh conditions.
Even a Husky picture shows that this breed has a very thick coat. It comprises two layers, a topcoat of short, straight guard hairs and a dense wooly undercoat. Such double coating protects the dog from severe frosts but becomes a nuisance when the weather is hot. Huskies are adapted to cold and can live outdoors throughout the year; they are not happy in warm and humid climates. This breed is hardy and endurable. Some bloodlines are prone to hereditary disorders: cataract, hip dysplasia, allergies, and other rare conditions. Reputable breeders screen their breeding stock and minimize the risk of purchasing an ill dog. The typical lifespan of the breed ranges from 12 to 14 years. Huskies retain their high activity level even in their teens.
When you see a Husky picture, you will surely pay attention to the dog’s smart eyes and intelligent expression on the face. Huskies have brown or blue eyes. Parti-colored eyes (one brown eye and the other blue) often occur in this breed. The nose color depends on the coat color. Gray, tan and black dogs have a black nose; white dogs have a flesh-colored or “snow” nose. The ears of the Husky are triangular and erect. The fox-like tail should be carried in a curve over the back.
Many things cannot be seen in a picture. No picture can tell you about the personality and energy level of the dog. Huskies require lots of exercises and always should have a task to do. They cannot be indoor lap dogs. Initially developed for functional and survival needs, they make excellent guards, sled dogs, and playing companions. Some Huskies become good hunting dogs if allowed to practice. When purchasing even a pet quality dog of this breed, don’t rely on a Husky picture, but visit the kennel and see the whole litter with your own eyes.